Wednesday, January 27, 2010


just a test shot that we needed for our company overview. i happen to think its sweeeet. now it need people :)


Monday, January 25, 2010

old shots of the bay that i JUST decided to edit.

welll half-ass edit.

for some sweet child portraits..

check this blog out! shes a fellow brooks student and i really admire her work. :) looks great colleen!

Monday, January 18, 2010

christmas in the city

how else do u make ur heart smile?

impromptu shoots of the bridge are fun

who ever lit the bridge was a GENIUS. definitely not man-made.

ps. its really grainy cause i didnt have a tripod. ouch.

zanzoun getting married:)

cant wait to attend your wedding. you look so beautiful in all these pics and and i wish i could post more.. i wish you guys so much happiness :)

my work spouse :)

the past couple weeks?


fell in love with the bay all over again this break. stumbled upon some new spots and also got a new perspective on old ones. im anxiously waiting for the day that i move to the city. im pretty sure ive gone so far as to narrow down the exact neighborhood i want to live in. ahhhh good times. good break. good friends. :)